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The CV and Resume Sampler
"The Unstoppable Resumes"

WARNING: Some services offer US-style resume templates, "resume-makers", etc.

Be good to yourself. Do not use them for overseas vacancies.

The International recruiters love our preformatted winning samples ― designed specifically for overseas job hunters.

Avoid the common mistakes:

  • The wrong CV format

  • Irrelevant information abundant

  • Important information missing

Customize the proven formats that work!  Simply replace the content with your material and you are ready to print, email, or fax your CV.

The CV and Resume Sampler including unlimited online hosting of your web resume

The Sampler and online hosting service are part of the member's package.

Free digital distribution. Upload your resume to our server for free.

This is the only resume product developed specifically for international teaching market. 

How do we compare with the competition?


LandThatJob.COM: Regular Price: $39.95 Sales: $19.95  (unusable for overseas positions.) JOYJOBS.COM: Regular: $19.95, Members: FREE (For international jobs specifically.) 


LandThatJob.COM: $29.95 for one year, 1-3 pages. JOYJOBS.COM: FREE for all members, UNLIMITED hosting.


LandThatJob.COM: None, resume critique: $54.95 JOYJOBS.COM: all requests are answered within a few hours, FREE.

What people say about our service


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Teaching Jobs Overseas / JOYJOBS.COM
Portland,  Oregon 97218 USA

Fax: (+1) 419-710-1058
Europe: La Trimouille 86290 France
Asia: Hong Kong
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All rights reserved worldwide
Hosted in Lansing, Michigan

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