Teaching Jobs Overseas International Employment for Teacher

Teaching Jobs Overseas
International Employment for Teachers

Teaching Jobs Overseas Topics: international teaching, teaching overseas, teaching abroad, American and international schools, overseas jobs, international employment, etc.

Teaching Jobs Overseas: International Employment for Teachers


private message board - 2
  Q: Hello, I am a British qualified teacher living in southern Spain, I have 2 years teaching experience (Secondary Humanities and TEFL I also have Montessori); and would like to go back into teaching after a two year gap. As I am in Spain, would your services with the CD be useful/applicable to me?

A: In fact,  it may be even more useful when you are in Spain as there is not enough information there. You don't need to order a CD -- the information is now available to to all subscribers online. To subscribe, click here.--  Pam and Igor

  Q: Is attendance at one of the American Recruitment Fairs necessary as I am so far away it would be rather difficult, what would you suggest?

A: No, it is not. Recruitment fairs are held in Europe, too. In fact, many Americans travel to London to attend the ECIS fair. This will also depend on the school -- not all schools attend these fairs, for example local language schools do not recruit staff this way.

I suggest that you read the whole program to determine what types of school to target and then use our information (online or on CD - or both) to locate the openings and get in touch with the employers. This is how a professional job search is conducted.

TalkBack - 3

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Igor, Thank you so much for your honesty on this matter. I appreciate it as it gives me a better idea of what I'm facing ahead. I will keep looking through your postings in hopes of perhaps finding the ideal opportunity. In the mean time, Good luck with your web site. It looks to be doing well for you. Sergio

  I just returned from the job fairs in Boston last week and I'm very pleased to tell you that I got a job!!! I'll be working this coming year in JAKARTA. I'm thrilled and very happy with my upcoming life and teaching adventure!


I just wanted to let you know that this was the fourth International Job Fair that I have attended in my teaching career and I feel that I was 100% better prepared for the job fair this time around due to your help and timely advice! I carefully followed the instructions on your CD and have experienced wonderful results in my job search efforts!

I was thinking that next time  you ought to have somebody passing out information about your web-site at the job fairs... but then again... maybe not... why make the job search more competitive than it already is!!! Ha! Ha! Ha!

I'm attending Utah State University right now... and I'd be more than happy to tell the Department of Education and Career Services about your web-site!

I just feel really lucky that I stumbled onto your web-site while surfing the web last August! It has truly made all the difference in the world!

A: Congratulations on your success! We were, of course, delighted to hear about your placement and wish you the best of success. What school will you be going to in Jakarta? My best friend is principal of The North Jakarta International School and will be there next year. Another good friend is P.E. director at the same school and both are involved in an enormous number of activities. They could be a great resource for you. Both are excellent individuals.

Both talk about the heat over there as well as the cost of living. You're sure to save some money. Erik has a sort of maid living with him named Mann for something like $50 a month. He cooks, cleans, does the shopping and other chores as well as lives in the house.

By the way, I just found out that I've been approved by the interviewing Fulbright committee to be a teacher exchange candidate to either Latvia, U.K. or South Africa so I'm waiting for news of my placement.

Have a wonderful spring! Your page will be active, just email the updated files when you are ready.

Best regards, Pamela Campbell


  Q:  Pam and Igor,
Well, I got your CD, read it and followed it religiously, went to the ECIS fair and what do you know?! I have been offered a position in Lagos, Nigeria.

Besides being a satisfied customer, I was also a curious one. I was wondering if either of you have any experience in West Africa, or if you have heard anything about the teaching conditions there. I will be talking to some teachers already there, but I wanted a unbiased opinion! Thanks for all your help!

A: Your are welcome! We have not taught in Africa but we know people who have, including our first director in Bulgaria who then spent three years in Gabon. He and his wife were quite happy there. Everyone's experience will be unique, though. If this is your first overseas contract you may find it challenging -- in terms of culture shock and general adjustment. Remember that the hardest part is the few weeks before Christmas, after that the symptoms of culture shock will reduce dramatically.

On the positive side, you are more likely to encounter a warm, family-style atmosphere and support from the school administration, fellow teachers and parents (as opposed to many schools in Europe)

You will also be able to save more money than in Europe as the cost of living is low and everything is provided -- housing, transportation, etc. Try to set up an Internet account as soon as you arrive -- contracts expire so our ongoing vacancy posts will be useful. Here's our page on West African Do's and Don'ts:




  Q: Does the CD you're offering to aid w/ the process have a library of job openings in the Middle East?

A: The disk contains the Insider Secrets to Finding a Teaching Jobs Overseas (key program); it comes with the online subscription to the ongoing vacancies (posted on a daily basis, including Middle East).

The other essential tools that come with your  subscription are the Overseas School Directory (available online and on CD) and the online CV/resume service. This combination of the proven strategies, online reference and updated vacancies explains the high effectiveness of the program.

To save US$10.00, order the online version (not the CD) -- the information is available for immediate download as well as browsing. To find out what is included and how it all works together, follow this link: http://joyjobs.com/tips/subscribe.htm


  Q: Dear Pam and Igor,
Just wanted to thank you for the info and help your CD and site and you have given us since last August as we have worked to obtain overseas jobs.

Last weekend we were offered two jobs at the Boston ISS fair!! and we will be in Taiwan come August with our daughter. Thanks to all your advice we were really well prepared, had 5 interviews, and were able to navigate the 750 candidate fair with assurance. It was a positive experience with a wonderful outcome!

One thing you might stress to others is to have the HOME phone numbers of all their references in their possession. We did not and calls needed to made on Saturday afternoon which made for some nervous scrambling on our part.

Please feel free to use this as testimonial but we do NOT want our names used, just sign us very satisfied customers.

Many thanks again for your wonderful service. We have referred several friends to your site and they are extremely grateful too.  Best to you on your future plans.

A: Thank you! This is the exactly reason why we started this site in the first place. We want more people to experience the wonderful world of international teaching.

Regarding your suggestion to have home numbers on your CVs... This is pretty much standard so we didn't emphasize it. Now that you mentioned it maybe we should. Likewise, always provide your web-based email account (e.g. Hotmail) as your local ISP will not be available when you move abroad.

Thank you for your feedback and please keep in touch!


  Where can I find a message board posting messages from other teachers searching for an overseas position?  Specifically, I am looking for someone with whom to share a room at the upcoming Search fair in Carmel, California February 25-27.  I am a single female and have no reservation in the hotel at this time.   

A: We just set up a new message board for this particular purpose: http://joyjobs.com/community/message_board.htm


  I know there are Christian organizations out there that have a list of schools...would it be possible to find out which ones pay by salary and not raise your own money? Maybe you could put up a Christian school section....

A: Good question! There is a list of Christian Schools in the new Directory, open the disk, go to Schools2000 then scroll down the index page and click on Association of Christian Schools International. It is also online at



  Why can't I get into the Blacklisted schools?

A: Hi Greg,
This page has not been recovered after the crash of Jan 13.  There is a new project under way called the School Watch. Here's how it works:

If a job ad comes from a school that has been reported to us we add an alert note to their post (see Enka Okullari, Turkey for example). So far there has not been much negative information to make this project a priority, though.


  Hi Igor
I want to thank you for your mail regarding the details of downloading,  however, I wanted to know the size of the file as I am using my office computer, do I have to download into hard drive or the file can fit in a diskette. I want to key in the 30dollars and get started soon in my job hunt  and join the many you have assisted.

A: Hello  John,

You need a personal computer to use our program, it is not just one file to copy!
The Insider Secrets... is only a part of the package, it is about 12 MB (Mac) 13 MB (Windows) and will not fit on a floppy, you will need a ZIP disk. The great news is that you can order it on a CD ROM for only $10.00 (members only).

There is also the Overseas Schools Directory that you will need to check on schools and for research. It is available online from the Members Area and on the same CD.

Then there are ongoing vacancies -- posted daily, you need to login every time you want to check them out. The online CV/resume service requires a computer as well.

The low price may be confusing but this is a comprehensive program. For portability, select "Order CD" as you login as a member.


  I was wondering about the free update I was supposed to receive. I never received the update. Please let me know. Thanks

A: As you know after the big Server Crash of January 13 the updated info was moved online. The new Overseas Schools Directory (updated for 2000) is available directly from the Members Area, click on SCHOOLS.

Of course we can put it on a CD ROM for you if you want!


  Where can I get a schedule for the next job fairs? Dan.

A: Hi Dan,
Every recruiting organization has its own schedule so it is a bit chaotic. We process this information and publish a coordinated recruiting schedule in the Members Area of our website.


  I would be interested in obtaining some information on going to Teachers College in New Zealand. I hold a university degree, what is my next step?

A: Hi Jim,
The next step is research. Contact NZ Ministry of Education: http://www.minedu.govt.nz/ 


  Dear Igor, could you help me acquire one of those international calling cards? Thanks.

A: Hi Joel,
Yes, I can pick up a couple cards for you. There are 3 varieties: $5, $10, and $15, although sometimes they do not have the full selection. If you want any, send a SASE and a check for the amount you want to order. A ten dollar CONNECT card is a good start, I use it  every time I have to call Europe.


  Dear Pam and Igor,
I am off to the UNI Job Fair next weekend, and thanks in large part to you, I feel prepared and am looking forward to putting all of what I have learned to use. You have a great product. I did quite a bit or research on the web and in the library, but all I ever needed was your CD. It covers everything, expertly, and I am grateful to you. Thanks. Keep up the good work. Noreen

A: Hello Noreen,
Good to hear from you again -- and thanks for your kind words. Good luck at UNI and please let us know what country and school you end up with. Keep in touch!

  Dear Pam and Igor,
Happy Valentine's Day from Russia! You guys' program really helped me get a job here in St. Petersburg, so I thought you would be great people to turn to for advice on overseas graduate schools. I've been looking on the Internet, and so far I have only found Michigan State overseas. What schools make people the most marketable? I do not want to be an administrator; I want something for people who just love to teach! :) Thanks so much!!! Claire

A: Dear Claire,
So you are in St Petersburg, wow! Last time I was there I was 10 or 11 years old, long time ago... lots of changes... So where exactly do you teach? How do you access the web? Next fall Pam and I might be teaching in Latvia, this is really close. Regarding your question, I am not sure if any schools make teachers more marketable, it is your personal skills and abilities (backed by recommendations and word of mouth) rather than a degree from any particular school. What do you have in mind? If you provide a bit more info we might be able to help.


  I am doing this for a close friend of mine. He would like to work in South Africa. He was a physician and has also taught engineering students at a university. The only thing is I would like to  help him to find a position and me not being there makes it difficult for me. I am from South Africa. I am so frustrated. Help me if you can -- Jackie

A: Hello Jackie,
Sorry about the problem. As you understand we are not a recruiting agency, our information is all online, it is  for teachers and it is not country-specific, that is all countries are included. If you are interested, subscriptions are cheap and available immediately at http://joyjobs.com/order.htm However, since your friend is not a teacher the information will not help him directly.


  I'm a Canadian who is completing a B.Ed (After Degree)this April. I'm finding that I'm receiving many job offers in Canada because of my specializations from my first degree (French, English, Fine Arts). I know that International teaching positions require 2 years of  teaching experience, but I'm anxious to travel and teach ASAP. As far as landing an international teaching position, would it be to my benefit to teach in Can. for 2 years then apply abroad, or should I sign up for one of the many opportunities to teach in Japan, Korea etc. so I can go abroad immediately? I'd greatly appreciate your feedback.

A: There is a tremendous difference between local language schools, college preparatory schools, IB schools, private US-sponsored schools and so on. You must know the market to make an informed decision.

Generally, you have to think long term. If you plan to teach ESL a one or two year contract with an ESL school in the Far East will be beneficial when you are ready to apply for a better job with a reputable International school. If you decide to teach French, (or any other subject) some classroom experience in Canada would be very handy. (Do not forget to prepare a portfolio and collect recommendations!)

Of course, international schools prefer teachers with overseas experience so a lot of teachers start out as interns (overseas!) or teach at local language schools before advancing to better contracts.

For example, Pamela Campbell, who wrote a good deal of the program, landed her first teaching job in Spain, right after college. That experience was essential when it was time to move on.

Besides, when you are already in Spain attending a major job fair in London is a lot easier than flying all the way from the West Coast USA. --Igor

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